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From Stargate and Droid to Zero Gravity and Force Field, this historical dictionary is filled with fun and fascinating entries on all things science..

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This book examines formal peculiarity of four contemporary novels and argues that they structurally simulate haunting in order to initiate a radical..

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Detective stories of the Twenties and Thirties have long been stereotyped as cosily conventional. Nothing could be further from the truth.The Golden..

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Is the alien really what we think of, a Martian in an H.G. Wells’s style? Or does it come in other forms as well? If the alien is genuinely alien and..

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For the last fourteen years, Pamela Des Barres has been teaching an eight-week women''s "femoir" writing workshop. She found that the music-loving..

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Jessica''s First Prayer and Froggy''s Little Brother are exemplars of the ''street arab'' story, a genre that flourished in Victorian Britain in..

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Fifteen novels. Fifteen poisons. Just because it''s fiction doesn’t mean its all made-up...

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В центре внимания авторов сборника - проблема жанра и драматургической традиции, автобиографический пласт в драме Александра Блока, образы и мотивы..

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Take a tour through the horror paperback novels of two iconic decades . . . if you dare. Page through dozens and dozens of amazing book covers..

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