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Психология. Общие работы

Вашему вниманию предлагается журнал "Начало" - издание, посвященное философии жизни во всем ее многообразии.

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Книга посвящена изучению общих теоретических принципов управления сознанием и практических методов психической саморегуляции человека. Они..

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What could be more fascinating than the workings of the human mind? This stunningly illustrated survey in Sterlings Milestones series chronicles the..

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What could be more fascinating than the workings of the human mind? This stunningly illustrated survey in Sterlings Milestones series chronicles the..

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There is a persistent myth in our culture that in order to lead a fulfilling life we must pursue happiness at all times. In her groundbreaking work,..

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In this breakthrough first edition, authors Gary Lewandowski, Natalie Ciarocco, and David Strohmetz draw on their extensive classroom experiences to..

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Книга кандидата педагогических наук Г.Д.Лукова "Психология" (Очерки по вопросам обучения и воспитания советских воинов) является одной из первых..

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Fashion Psychology and Corporate dressing are the new domains of research. It is basically how choice of clothing plays a vital role in your..

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This study explores the concept of psychological contract and how survivor- employees experience and make judgement on breaches of implicit reciprocal..

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Venous insufficiency is a common, chronic disease, concerning almost half of the population of highly-developed countries. Lately the priority in..

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