Корзина Корзина

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Стих. Стиховедение

Москва, 1960 год. Советский писатель. Оригинальная суперобложка. Сохранность хорошая. Статьи сборника сгруппированы тематически по разделам:..

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В книге изложены итоги многолетнего исследования нескольких проблем теории и истории стихотворного переноса (enjambement) в русской поэзии XVIII-XX вв...

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Часть первая: Частная метрика и ритмика русского языкаИздательство: Альциона

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Poets and Prophets of the Resistance offers a ground-up history and fresh interpretation of the polarization and mobilization that brought El Salvador..

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Carrying neoclassicism back into today''s critical debates, this study considers the cognitive underpinnings of the rules of poetic justice, the..

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Sidney''s Defence of Poesy is generally taken to present a model of poetry as ideal: the poet depicts ideals of human conduct which readers are..

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An inspiring collection of poetry from the Romantics period to present day, collated by trusted editors in literature, Seamus Perry and David Womersley..

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Place has become a widespread concept in contemporary work in the humanities, creative arts, and social sciences. Yet in spite of its centrality,..

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Samuel Taylor Coleridge''s conception of "the willing suspension of disbelief" marks a pivotal moment in the history of literary theory. Returning to..

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This book shows that Isaiah 1-39 contains one of the most remarkable and provocative poetic voices in the Hebrew Bible, and that attention to its..

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