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Купить Numerical Computation of Surface Codimension. ISBN 9783659891113.

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The closest point method was mostly used to solve differential equations on every type of surfaces, although it appeared that the closest point functions could also be a way to describe surfaces and to determine some of its geometric quantities, like codimension or tangent spaces at each point. The main purpose of this work is consequently to determine if it is indeed possible to describe geometric properties of a surface using the information given by its closest point function. описание на сайте интернет продавца

Характеристики Numerical Computation of Surface Codimension

Вес501Язык изданияАнглийский
Ширина упаковки1Размеры0.100/0.100/0.100
StorefalseГлубина упаковки1
Parsed1Sales_notesБыстрая доставка по России. 20 способов оплаты
Высота упаковки1Штрихкод9783659891113
Manufacturer_warrantyfalseКоличество страниц52

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